2024-'25 Executive Board
Hi! My name is Megha Agrawal and I’m an international student from India. I’m a Bioengineering major and on the Computational and Systems Biology track with minors in CS and Informatics. I love playing basketball and reading in my free time. I have been on exec since my sophomore year and was on a committee in my freshman year so I have a lot of experience with BMES. So feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Email: uiucbmes.president@gmail.com
Hi everyone! I’m a senior in Bioengieering with a minor in Electrical Engineering on the Biomechanics track. I’ve been a part of BMES for three years now, serving as Volunteer Chair, Social Chair, and now your Vice President! I currently work in the Neurorehabilitation lab and Amos Group in the BIOE dept, and have been the student lead/director of GEUAR for two years (fun fact, I’m the admin of @uofigrainger). Outside of engineering, I’m extremely passionate about teaching, and will talk my head off if you ask me about anything related to soccer. I’m a world traveler, and am eager to make new memories with you all as we embark on an exciting academic year!
Email: uiucbmes.vp@gmail.com
Hi! I'm Amreen Lobanwala, and I am a sophomore in Bioengineering on the biomechanics track. I have been involved in BMES since freshman year and I love BMES for the amazing community and fun events it provides. Outside of BMES I'm involved in Society of Women in Engineering (SWE) and Illini MediMech. I spend my free time with my friends & family, watching movies/shows, and I also love to sleep. Fun fact: I've been inside the Taj Mahal before. I really love BMES and I'm excited for everyone to join us :)
Email: uiucbmes.treasurer@gmail.com
Hey, y'all! I'm Shreya, a junior in Bioengineering in the Imaging and Sensing track, and this year's Secretary! Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about BMES. You might catch me in some other RSOS as well - I'm also the VP for Out in STEM (oSTEM) and research with Illinois Biodiesel Initiative (IBI). I also serve as a Bioengineering Department Ambassador, and am an ELA for ENG 100. Whenever I'm blessed with some free time, I love to draw, coach tennis, and play piano. Fun fact: I love vocal jazz!
Email: uiucbmes.secretary@gmail.com
Hi! I am a Sophomore on the Therapeutics track with a minor in CS! I love BMES for the fun community and educational events. I am also premed and involved in Dr. Bhargava's Lab! One fun fact about me is that I love taking care of rabbits! I've had so much fun in this RSO, and I'd love for you to join us!
Hi! I am a sophomore in bioengineering on the cell and tissue track. Outside of BMES I am involved in climbing club, iMade and Engineering Council. I spend my free time at the gym, watching reality tv, and taking naps.
I'm Alexander Chang, a junior in bioengineering. Currently I am on the biomechanics track, and I am also pursuing a minor in music. With 2 years of experience with BMES workshop committee and 1 year on the EOH committee, I would love to continue helping these parts of BMES grow. My current research interest is movement disorders, and I have been pursuing this in the Mobility and Fall Prevention Laboratory, investigating disorders such as Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. Outside of school I've been a pianist for thirteen years, and an amateur 3D artist for seven. You also might see me outside taking pictures of random animals for the squirrel and birdwatching club.
Email: uiucbmes.tech@gmail.com
Hi everyone! I’m Emily, a current senior Bioengineering with a track in Therapeutics. I’ve loved being involved in BMES, and I’m looking forward to planning events that encourage students to give back to the community and promote younger students’ interest in STEM. Outside of BMES, I’m involved in research, Engineering Council, and am also a Director of Marketing for Engineering Open House. In my free time, I like to make art, dance, and take care of my many plants. Fun fact: I’ve been stung by a jellyfish before and have a scar :(
Email: uiucbmes.outreach@gmail.com
Hi! My name is Reyanna and I'm a sophomore in bioengineering with a minor in chemistry. I was the manager of BMES' Buddies Program in my freshman year. I'm looking forward to bringing everyone in BMES together and having a great time! I'm also a senior news reporter for The Daily Illini. In my free time, I love reading, listening to music, and watching movies! Fun fact: I was supposed to be born on Christmas!
Email: uiucbmes.social@gmail.com
Hey guys! I’m Roxana and I’m a sophomore studying Neural Engineering with a minor in Computer Science. Last year I was BMES’s Social Media Chair and I look forward to serving as the DEI Chair this year! Outside of BMES I am an active member of Kappa Theta Tau, I love going to the gym, listening to music, playing music, and watching TV (I’ve watched Breaking Bad three times and I’m planning to watch it again in the fall). Please do not hesitate to reach out! :)
Email: uiucbmes.dei@gmail.com